The Integrated Science Minor
Note: The grade point average of the coursework comprising the minor must be no less than 2.00 with no course grade in the minor below C- (1.7). Students are strongly advised to consult with faculty in planning their minor curriculum.
6.75-7.75 units, including:
CMSC150 Computer Science
MATH211 Mathematics
PHYS131 Physics
IDST284 Research Training Seminar
IDST484 Integrated Science Senior Seminar
Two units, (one of which must be in addition to courses completed for a major or other minor), chosen from:
BIOL310 The Science of Poisoning
BIOL317 Mechanochemical Cell Biology
BIOL320 Experimental Design and Biostatistics
BIOL335 Structural Biology
BIOL336 Eco-epidemiology
BIOL342 Neurodevelopment
BIOL344 Behavioral Ecology
BIOL351 Molecular Phylogenetics
CHEM310 Physical Chemistry II
CHEM316 Environmental Chemistry
CHEM326 Biochemistry
CHEM329 Protein Structure, Function, and Biophysics
CHEM330 Special Topics in Biochemistry: Interdisciplinary Thinking in the Molecular Life Sciences
GEOG360 Environmental Remote Sensing
MATH304 Mathematical Models in Biology and Medicine
PHYS204 Biophysics
PHYS215 Computational Methods in Physics
or another approved elective
An undergraduate research project in any science, math, or computer science area of significant length that culminates in a written report or poster presentation, chosen from:
Students are expected to fulfill all prerequisites necessary for courses within the minor. Prerequisites do not count toward the minor unless otherwise noted.