One of the hallmarks of the integrated inclusive science program is the opportunity to conduct paid research on campus with a faculty member.
Pre-First Year Research Experience
Students accepted to URISE participate in a two-week paid research experience with a faculty member the summer before their first year.
Post-First Year Research Experience
Students participating in the SMART course will receive stipend support to conduct research during the following summer. Students will work with a faculty mentor of their choosing on an interdisciplinary research project. Summer housing on campus, funds for research supplies and grants for travel to professional conferences are provided as well.
A&S Summer Research Fellowships
Though funding is provided and expected for the first summer of research for SMART participants, students are encouraged to continue conducting research throughout their undergraduate experience. The School of Arts & Sciences has established a large undergraduate research program where students may apply for funding to assist in defraying the costs of conducting research and disseminating its results to the scholarly community. Additionally, the University has several external funding sources, including the Beckman Scholars Program.